I went to East HS in 1943 and as so many dopey kids did I quit shool the minute I turned 16 !! I am now 82 and regret so many foolish things I did. I remember Ms. Dushesne my French teacher,who had great hopes for me also Mr. Brownjohn for science (horrible name)especially well. There was also Mr. Cardenas the Spanish teacher, Mr. Rusej (sic) who I had a crush on and I think he taught music. I get pleasure from the picture of my old school and thank you most sincerly for including it here.
Barbara Fields-Spell
05-Jul-2008 15:34
This is a wonderful web page. You really get hooked and can spend an entire afternoon seaching the site. Boy how time flies. I loved going to school at East High. Great choirs, bands, sports teams, and clubs. Wonderful assemblies and fantastic holiday shows. It was so big and scary at first. I was afraid of Mrs. Rawles and Mr. Bennett. Loved those peanut butter cookies...could never duplicate them at home. Remember Miss Hohlman, the art teacher? Her favorite saying, "Well! Blue slip." Haha, she must have been 100 years old! For real!!! Miss Hickey, the English Teacher....what a riot. Mr. Bennett, the cool brother who was a force to be reckoned with and a great science teacher to boot. They taught us that we could go to college if we worked hard enough...thank God for them, the SEEK program and Mr. Eve! Some very tough kids went there..real gangsters in the late 60's but a lot of really sweet and smart people too. Graduated in 1968 and went on to Buff State, graduated in 1972. Now my daughter is a Spanish Teacher there. She says there's a lot of real gangsters there and a lot of really sweet people too. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Hail to you, East High School, Alma Mater Gray and Blue. Hail to you, East HIgh School, Alma Mater we'll be true!
That spiral staircase. East High Panthers. Dr. Rentz. Mr Bennett, Mr Mole, Mr Sanfilipo, Mrs Bonner, Mr. Hilliard, Mrs Rawles, spending your lunch money on peanut butter cookies and milk, bus passes, Hi-Y, watching the clock in your last period class with the sign underneath that read: "Time Will Pass, Will You?
Guess y'all forgot that "time also flies" too, huh?
"Hail to You, East High School!"
Sandra Blackman
26-Dec-2007 23:51
This was Buffalo Vocational Technical Center until the mid 2000's now it's it East High School again.