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Symphonic Spirit

Aldo Vaccaro is the world's greatest undiscovered guitar player / song writer. Together with his brother Salvatore (Sam the drummer) they form the core of the Vaccaro band know as Symphonic Spirit. Please note that this is the official Vaccaro site:
Sam, Tim & Aldo
Sam, Tim & Aldo
Tim, Aldo & Sam
Tim, Aldo & Sam
Vaccaro - On top of the world
Vaccaro - On top of the world
Vaccaro Don't drop!
Vaccaro Don't drop!
Vaccaro rehearsal
Vaccaro rehearsal
Don, Joe, Aldo & Sam
Don, Joe, Aldo & Sam
The finer points of tapping
The finer points of tapping
Tim & Aldo
Tim & Aldo
Vaccaro Collage
Vaccaro Collage
the Tapper
the Tapper
Sam & Aldo in Studio
Sam & Aldo in Studio
Aldo playing it streight
Aldo playing it streight
Sam, Aldo, Tim
Sam, Aldo, Tim
Aldo tapping
Aldo tapping
SlowMo Aldo
SlowMo Aldo