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"Drown Government in the Bathtub" says Bush Strategist

Quote by Grover Norquist, a Republican budget strategist for President Bush. After the failure of government following hurricane Katrina, this quote was removed from republican sites that had previously displayed it proudly.

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rako 10-Nov-2005 01:33
"What is wrong with a smaller government." HAHA that is funny you posted it AFTER looking at the picture.

Businesses will not step in to solve society's problems. Charities are not enough to make a concerted effort to set up a NATIONAL dike system.

This is so obvious. It shows that many people are swayed by something other than reason.

What are your ideas about what that thing is?

(PS. the statistics point out Bush's anti-government spending hypocrisy and how he spends money on his corporate cronies and war, not on people's needs.)
n21-Oct-2005 18:18
The GW Bush philosophy is to have an incompetent government with record-high deficits. Most citizens were shocked by the "drown-government-in-the-bathtub strategy" that left the Feds incapable of responding adequately to Katrina. Citizens thought Bush was preparing the government to respond to a disaster, such as a terrorist attack. Instead, the so-called conservatives have been giving money to special interests.

The Club for Growth, a conservative group, has been keeping tabs on Bush pork spending:

Number of Pork Projects in Federal Spending Bills

2005 - 13,997
2004 - 10,656
2003 - 9,362
2002 - 8,341
2001 - 6,333
2000 - 4,326
1999 - 2,838
1998 - 2100
1997 - 1,596
1996 - 958
1995 - 1439
Guest 20-Oct-2005 06:25
The funny part is, that this beautifully summarizes the Conservative philosophy. The Liberal philosophy, which border on Socialism wants bigger and bigger government.
What is wrong with a smaller government?