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Scooters at Bellport

Ice boats known as scooters were invented in the 1800s for use on Bellport Bay, Long Island by hunters to cross the bay when it was frozen. They feature a semi-flat hull with long metal runners allowing the boats to "scoot" across open water breaks in the ice. They are controlled by sheeting in and easing the jib, therefore the skipper sits up front. These hdr images were shot in January 2009 and processed in Photomatix. Prints are available for purchase.
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Iceboat View from the Jib
Iceboat View from the Jib
Jib `n Bow Sprit
Jib `n Bow Sprit
Scooter up, Scooter down
Scooter up, Scooter down
Parked at the Club
Parked at the Club
Scooters Lined up
Scooters Lined up
Waiting on the Ice for Crew
Waiting on the Ice for Crew
Sailing 40 knots on the Ice
Sailing 40 knots on the Ice
Keeping the Scooter from Sailing Away
Keeping the Scooter from Sailing Away
Solo ice sailor in black & white
Solo ice sailor in black & white
Scooter Crew Taking a Break
Scooter Crew Taking a Break
Pointing to Howell's Point
Pointing to Howell's Point
Standout Ice Sailors
Standout Ice Sailors
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