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jychamberland | all galleries >> Galleries >> pine grosbeak, durbec des sapins. > pine grosbeak.06.jpg
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pine grosbeak.06.jpg

Pentax K10D
1/320s f/9.0 at 133.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Bert Ooms23-May-2013 18:50
Beautiful combination of red and blue here.
Great image!
V best,
Dick Dionne20-Jun-2011 02:19
Great capture!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)04-Feb-2011 22:53
Beautiful capture! V
Lieve Snellings31-Jul-2010 10:05
wonderful ! v
Jean D02-Aug-2009 20:10
Superbe capture de cette belle a son repas, Jean-Yves! ~V~
Jean-Luc Rollier29-Jan-2008 19:52
Magnifique ! Belle capture!
Bienvenue sur PBase. JL V