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jychamberland | all galleries >> Galleries >> bohemian waxwing, jaseurs boreal > bohemian waxwing.019.a.jpg
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bohemian waxwing.019.a.jpg

Pentax K10D
1/250s f/10.0 at 280.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Janet Forjan-Freedman30-May-2010 01:13
Very detailed capture! Especially neat seeing the tongue!
Luca Bracci20-Oct-2008 20:53
This is a really beautiful image! Voted!
Lise De Serres02-May-2008 01:50
Superbe, de toute beauté!
Robert Houde16-Apr-2008 17:43
Magnifique capture.
Eric Martin04-Apr-2008 18:39
Allo Jean Yves,

belle shot, avec un beau ciel bleu.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik29-Jan-2008 00:39
Outstanding image! Lloyd&Sandy
Monique Trempe28-Jan-2008 18:52
Oui, c'est vrai, voici une belle photo dont tu dois être fier. Bravo!
RappWizard22-Jan-2008 02:00
Beautiful shot!!
Isabel Cutler20-Jan-2008 12:33
What a wonderful moment you've captured here!