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jychamberland | all galleries >> Galleries >> bohemian waxwing, jaseurs boreal > bohemian waxwing.02.a.jpg
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bohemian waxwing.02.a.jpg

Pentax K10D
1/200s f/9.0 at 300.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Gilles Garon24-Dec-2010 08:41
Une photo magnifique avec de très beaux détails sur le plumage! Mes félicitations JY!
bluebirdstar21-Dec-2008 19:44
Very beautiful catch - great colors and perfect composition - excellent! V
Marie-Louise Mahauden 27-Sep-2008 15:08
Beautiful bird ,is it crawberries? i'm a belgian person ,but i never see some bird,really nice!
Isabel Cutler20-Jan-2008 12:33