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jychamberland | all galleries >> Galleries >> oie des neiges / snow goose. > oie des neiges / snow goose.478.
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oie des neiges / snow goose.478.

Pentax K10D
1/3200s f/8.0 at 300.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Lieve Snellings28-Oct-2008 04:48
one goose landing and two others in dubble decker on their road, nice image
pierreratte27-Oct-2008 14:22
Très bons Jean Yves
Dominic Cantin27-Oct-2008 03:55
Très belle capture JY ! J'aime bien leur air suspendu dans les airs !

Dom :)
Marcia Colelli27-Oct-2008 02:19
Great capture V