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George Fricker | profile | all galleries >> Sarawak >> Celebrations >> Kuching Weddings >> Wedding Celebration 31/05/2007 Rini & Alex Grezko tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wedding Celebration 31/05/2007 Rini & Alex Grezko

Wedding Celebration 31/05/2007 Rini & Alex Grezko, Kampong Sikog, Sarawak, Malaysia Makan (Food), Minum (Drink including Langkau), Dancing to Local Police Band - Fun by all
The Party Started With A Blur
The Party Started With A Blur
The Guests
The Guests
So Much To Choose From
So Much To Choose From
Henry Dancing
Henry Dancing
Henry Drinking (No Not Langkau)
Henry Drinking (No Not Langkau)
James Having A Beer
James Having A Beer
Friendly Conversation
Friendly Conversation
Tania, Nawaf, Brigitte and Michel
Tania, Nawaf, Brigitte and Michel
Everyone Was There
Everyone Was There
A Groover
A Groover
The Children
The Children
The Bride & Groom
The Bride & Groom
Langkau for me, how can I refuse
Langkau for me, how can I refuse
More langkau
More langkau
The Mums
The Mums
Brigitte and Michel
Brigitte and Michel
Alex's Mum
Alex's Mum
James having another beer
James having another beer
Alex's Dad
Alex's Dad
Henry in good spirits
Henry in good spirits
The police band
The police band
The Photographers were many
The Photographers were many
A little more langkau, no worries
A little more langkau, no worries
Almost like Snaps
Almost like Snaps
You Too
You Too
Down The hatch
Down The hatch
Tania - down the hatch
Tania - down the hatch
George - down the hatch
George - down the hatch
Yes I speak german
Yes I speak german
Fun just being there
Fun just being there
Must be a great story
Must be a great story
Just grooving along
Just grooving along
A long story
A long story
Well its all between friends
Well its all between friends
No worries mate
No worries mate
The ladies
The ladies
The ladies grooving along
The ladies grooving along
Many many guests
Many many guests
The Bride
The Bride
The Groom
The Groom
The Kitchen
The Kitchen
The Young Ones
The Young Ones
What a smile
What a smile
The Bride
The Bride
The lounge
The lounge
The Boys
The Boys
Theres some fun over there
Theres some fun over there
Ballroom Dancers of the Kampong
Ballroom Dancers of the Kampong
What a dress - so bright
What a dress - so bright
The band
The band
Two great dancers
Two great dancers
Just grooving
Just grooving
More langkau anyone?
More langkau anyone?
High Mum
High Mum
Three Musketeers
Three Musketeers
Now What can the matter be?
Now What can the matter be?
Food for the ladies
Food for the ladies
Taking a rest from dancing
Taking a rest from dancing
The Groom & Bride had a busy time
The Groom & Bride had a busy time
Alex's Dad and Nawaf
Alex's Dad and Nawaf
More Photoes
More Photoes
The Vamed Corner
The Vamed Corner
Father & Son
Father & Son
Father & Son
Father & Son
Girls Just having Fun
Girls Just having Fun
Mother & Son
Mother & Son
Alex's Dad letting loose
Alex's Dad letting loose
Rini & Alex
Rini & Alex
The Lounge
The Lounge
The Invisible Girl
The Invisible Girl
The Visible Girl
The Visible Girl
Now Nawaf, I have a proposition for you
Now Nawaf, I have a proposition for you
Dancing Wow
Dancing Wow
More Dancing
More Dancing
What a party
What a party
Everyone Dancing
Everyone Dancing
Young and not so young
Young and not so young
All generations
All generations
All Persuasions
All Persuasions
Get those bodies moving
Get those bodies moving
It was this big ------ you believe me don't you
It was this big ------ you believe me don't you
Hot & Sweaty
Hot & Sweaty
The fellas
The fellas
The Groovers
The Groovers
On & On we danced into the night
On & On we danced into the night
A great time by all
A great time by all
He has the moves
He has the moves
The young ones
The young ones
The ?
The ?
Up close
Up close
Love the shirt
Love the shirt
Just fun
Just fun
Alex's Mum & Tania
Alex's Mum & Tania
Thumbs Up
Thumbs Up
The Bridal Corner
The Bridal Corner
Old Friends
Old Friends
A word of advice
A word of advice
Henry taking it quietly
Henry taking it quietly
Alex's Mum & tania
Alex's Mum & tania
Precious Smiles
Precious Smiles
No - No definitely Not
No - No definitely Not
A joke or two
A joke or two
George Dancing
George Dancing
Hot & sweaty and loving it
Hot & sweaty and loving it
Those dance lessons came in handy
Those dance lessons came in handy
No not for me
No not for me
V for Victory
V for Victory
The Boys
The Boys
Groom & Bride in casual wear
Groom & Bride in casual wear
Nawaf Dancing
Nawaf Dancing
Rini & Alex dancing
Rini & Alex dancing
More Dancers
More Dancers
A Tender moment
A Tender moment
What a party
What a party
Dancers dancing on into the night
Dancers dancing on into the night