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Susanne v. Schroeder | all galleries >> Illuminated Flowers and Leaves >> Flowers of Light >
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Nikon D70s
1/100s f/18.0 at 105.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
MarcViskens12-Aug-2015 14:39
very pretty Suzanne
Photo.Keely06-Nov-2011 21:52
Beautiful image! V.
Vickie BROWN26-Aug-2011 08:47
This is an amazing image! Gorgeous!
Earl Misanchuk09-May-2010 21:37
I don't think I've ever used the word 'voluptuous' to describe a photo of a flower before, but that's what comes to mind. Voted.
Guest 17-Nov-2009 06:15
Very beautiful!
Gervan10-Nov-2009 21:18
Glorous! V.
Bartosz Kotulski23-Oct-2009 11:55
very good composition. like the light and great dark background. lovely work
William Barletta10-Sep-2009 12:24
Very beautiful. A sublime vision of the Angel of the White Rose! ~V~
BleuEvanescence22-Nov-2008 23:55
This is an exquisite capture...
like an ode to life.
Barri Olson31-Aug-2008 07:50
Dave Hawkins18-Jul-2008 19:26
A tough exposure absolutely nailed, stunning!!
FrankB13-Jul-2008 11:12
great aperture selection for this perfect BW still life....V
Meggi Raeder23-Apr-2008 00:51
Terrific!! v
Guest 03-Apr-2008 14:43
Superbe ! V
Fabienne26-Mar-2008 18:21
le B/W fait encore plus ressortir la délicatesse des pétales ainsi que sa transparence. Le cadrage est bien choisi, c'est une magnifique photo.
Nick Powell02-Oct-2007 19:15
Superb capture, very effective in B&W. V
Guest 15-Sep-2007 13:55
White Rose Prayer

Here's my chalice wide open.
Pour and pour some love for my white petals are thirsty for whiter..
Pour some light and let the light bathe in the light..
let the rain wash the rain..
let the light and shadow evanesce and coalesce
let my fragrance surrender and dissolve in Yours
silvia marmori15-Jun-2007 17:31
magic light..
ofer zilberstein11-Apr-2007 19:17
Love the contrast.
David T.24-Feb-2007 16:08
Excellent image.
Great contrast. Nicely done.
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