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Viking Cruise on the Rhine Part 3

These pictures are from Day 5 of our cruise. We packed a lot into Day 5. We toured Heidelberg (and the Heidelberg Castle) and Speyer, Germany.
Heidelberg from the Old Bridge
Heidelberg from the Old Bridge
Heidelberg Castle ruins
Heidelberg Castle ruins
Heidelberg Castle ruins
Heidelberg Castle ruins
Heidelberg Castle ruins
Heidelberg Castle ruins
IHeidelberg Castle; the green area is where the moat used to exist
IHeidelberg Castle; the green area is where the moat used to exist
Heidelberg Castle ruins
Heidelberg Castle ruins
Beautiful buildings in Heidelberg
Beautiful buildings in Heidelberg
Beautiful buildings in Heidelberg
Beautiful buildings in Heidelberg
Beautiful buildings in Heidelberg
Beautiful buildings in Heidelberg
Beautiful buildings in Heidelberg
Beautiful buildings in Heidelberg
The view from the Heidelberg Castle
The view from the Heidelberg Castle
Beautiful buildings in Heidelberg
Beautiful buildings in Heidelberg
The Heidelberg Castle from the Old Bridge
The Heidelberg Castle from the Old Bridge
Hotel Ritter
Hotel Ritter
Mike spent a lot of his time looking for a place to pee  LOL
Mike spent a lot of his time looking for a place to pee LOL
Speyer Cathedral
Speyer Cathedral
Pipe Organ
Pipe Organ
Frescoes in the church
Frescoes in the church
Inside the cathedral
Inside the cathedral
We left this prayer request at the cathedral for our niece, Angie.
We left this prayer request at the cathedral for our niece, Angie.
One of the statues in Speyer
One of the statues in Speyer
Speyer, Germany
Speyer, Germany