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Viking Cruise on the Rhine Part 2

The following pictures reflect day 4 of our Viking Cruise on the Rhine. We visited Koblenz and Rudesheim, Germany and saw lots of castles while cruising up the middle Rhine.
We toured the Marksburg castle in Koblenz, Germany
We toured the Marksburg castle in Koblenz, Germany
The view on our way up
The view on our way up
Impressive relics. No, I'm not calling Mike a relic... LOL
Impressive relics. No, I'm not calling Mike a relic... LOL
Blacksmith room
Blacksmith room
Armor display
Armor display
more armor
more armor
From Marksburg castle
From Marksburg castle
torture chamber
torture chamber
The beds were small
The beds were small
the view going down
the view going down
View of the Rhine from Marksburg Castle
View of the Rhine from Marksburg Castle
Rheinstein Castle
Rheinstein Castle
Rheinfels Castle and Fortress
Rheinfels Castle and Fortress
Bacharach with Stahleck Castle on the hill
Bacharach with Stahleck Castle on the hill
Stahleck Castle
Stahleck Castle
Ehrenfels Castle
Ehrenfels Castle
Maus Castle
Maus Castle
Maus Castle; different angle
Maus Castle; different angle
Sterrenberg Castle (I think)
Sterrenberg Castle (I think)
Katz Castle
Katz Castle
Katz Castle; different angle
Katz Castle; different angle
Gutenfels Castle at the top Kaub
Gutenfels Castle at the top Kaub
Gutenfels Castle
Gutenfels Castle
St. Severus in Boppard, Germany
St. Severus in Boppard, Germany
Schonburg Castle
Schonburg Castle
Sooneck Castle
Sooneck Castle
Sooneck Castle; different angle
Sooneck Castle; different angle
Schonburg Castle; different angle
Schonburg Castle; different angle
A toll station to collect taxes on the Rhine
A toll station to collect taxes on the Rhine
I don't know the name of this castle
I don't know the name of this castle
Common railway tunnel entrance
Common railway tunnel entrance
Loreley on the Rhine
Loreley on the Rhine
Typical village along the Rhine
Typical village along the Rhine
Denny Booher and Mike in Rudesheim
Denny Booher and Mike in Rudesheim
Typical restaurant in Rudesheim
Typical restaurant in Rudesheim
Sharon Booher and Judy in Rudesheim
Sharon Booher and Judy in Rudesheim
Our ship in port as seen from the Marksburg Castle
Our ship in port as seen from the Marksburg Castle