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Viking Cruise on the Rhine Part 1

The following pictures are from our Viking Cruise experience on the Rhine from Amsterdam to Basel. These reflect pictures taken from both my iPhone and Nikon on Days 1-3.
Mike in front of Alruna, our Viking longboat
Mike in front of Alruna, our Viking longboat
We boarded our ship in Amsterdam. This is called the bridge of the condemned.
We boarded our ship in Amsterdam. This is called the bridge of the condemned.
Amsterdam skyline
Amsterdam skyline
We toured Amsterdam for a few hours
We toured Amsterdam for a few hours
We took an Ann Frank walking tour. This is a picture of Anne Frank's family.
We took an "Ann Frank walking tour". This is a picture of Anne Frank's family.
Mike in front of Anne Frank's house
Mike in front of Anne Frank's house
A 3-D model of the Ann Frank house
A 3-D model of the Ann Frank house
Auschwitz memorial (Mike is second person from left)
Auschwitz memorial (Mike is second person from left)
Never forget Auschwitz
Never forget Auschwitz
Amsterdam square
Amsterdam square
Madame Tussaud in Amsterdam
Madame Tussaud in Amsterdam
Amsterdam square
Amsterdam square
On Day 2, we went to Kinderdijk
On Day 2, we went to Kinderdijk
Families still live in these windmills
Families still live in these windmills
Beautiful old windmills
Beautiful old windmills
The largest concentration of windmills is located here.
The largest concentration of windmills is located here.
windmill museum
windmill museum
We toured the inside of this windmill
We toured the inside of this windmill
These windmills have thatched roofs
These windmills have thatched roofs
Getting back on our boat in Kinderdijk, Netherlands
Getting back on our boat in Kinderdijk, Netherlands
Day 3 - We walked through Cologne, Germany
Day 3 - We walked through Cologne, Germany
We toured the Cologne Cathedral
We toured the Cologne Cathedral
Back of the cathedral
Back of the cathedral
Cologne Cathedral at night
Cologne Cathedral at night
Cologne Cathedral interior
Cologne Cathedral interior
The crypt where the remains of the 3 wise men are interred
The crypt where the remains of the 3 wise men are interred
Side of the cathedral
Side of the cathedral
One of the few buildings that survived the bombing of Cologne
One of the few buildings that survived the bombing of Cologne
More pictures of Cologne Cathedral
More pictures of Cologne Cathedral
More pictures of Cologne Cathedral
More pictures of Cologne Cathedral
More pictures of Cologne Cathedral
More pictures of Cologne Cathedral
More pictures of Cologne Cathedral
More pictures of Cologne Cathedral
More pictures of Cologne Cathedral
More pictures of Cologne Cathedral
More pictures of Cologne Cathedral
More pictures of Cologne Cathedral
Mike was still able to practice his putting!
Mike was still able to practice his putting!