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JudyHickman | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Christmas Eve, Christmas morning, and Christmas evening 2012 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Christmas Eve, Christmas morning, and Christmas evening 2012

Good times with family and friends
Angie, Jarrod, Brooks, and Brady
Angie, Jarrod, Brooks, and Brady
The family Christmas morning
The family Christmas morning
Troy, Deanna, and Jessica
Troy, Deanna, and Jessica
I am being chased by Uncle Jarrod
I am being chased by Uncle Jarrod
He's catching up to me!
He's catching up to me!
Opening presents
Opening presents
Kylie and Jody
Kylie and Jody
Stinchfield family
Stinchfield family
Tenley, Ruth, and Jarrod
Tenley, Ruth, and Jarrod
What a cutie
What a cutie
Lawnsdail family
Lawnsdail family
3 dolls (Addy and her twins)
3 dolls (Addy and her twins)
Box sitting
Box sitting
Coach and Brady playing dolls
Coach and Brady playing dolls
Drill boy
Drill boy
Happy Boy
Happy Boy
Jarrod's medals
Jarrod's medals
Jess, Hannah, and Deanna
Jess, Hannah, and Deanna
jump boy
jump boy
I love my activity table!
I love my activity table!
Opening presents
Opening presents
Papa and Addy
Papa and Addy
new toy
new toy
red Jordans from Nana and Papa
red Jordans from Nana and Papa