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jshuder | all galleries >> Astrophotography >> Planetary Nebulae > Abell 7 (PN A66 7)
PN G215.5-30.8
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Abell 7 (PN A66 7)
PN G215.5-30.8

Abell 7 (PN A66 7, PK 215-30.1, PN G215.5-30.8), planetary nebula in Lepus. The bluish star in the
center is the associated white dwarf (WD0500-156). This image took many nights to complete (due to
poor winter weather conditions) starting in Dec 22, 2009 and finishing up on Nov. 29, 2010. Imaged
with CCD Lab’s Q285M Camera and a C8N at f5 on a Losmandy G11/Gemini mount. The H-alpha and OIII
subframes were 10 minutes binned 2x2, while the RGB frames were 1.5 minutes binned 2x2. The final
total exposures were (Ha+OIII) : (R+Ha) : (G+OIII) : (B+OIII) (min) = 440+440 : 45+440 : 45+440 :
45+440. Captured with Nebulosity, calibrated and sigma combined in Iris with other processing using
PixInsight LE and Photoshop CS. North is up.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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