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Strahov Library - Theological Hall, Philosophical Hall (Strahovská knihovna)

The library of the Premonstratensian monastery at Strahov is one of the most valuable and best-preserved historical libraries – its collection consists of approximately 200,000 volumes. The oldest part of the library, the Baroque Theological Hall, was established between 1671 and 1674; the main Classicist vaults of the Philosophical Hall date from 1794 and are two storeys tall. Both halls are dominated by ceiling frescoes by Siard Nosecký and Anton Maulbertsch.

Philosophers’ Hall
Creating a new library with a Classicist Philosophers’ Hall in the era of abbot Václav Mayer represented a grand crowning of the Strahov area building development. By creating a library which he made accessible for public, the abbot prevented the abolition of the monastery in the Joseph’s era. Moreover, the abbot was close to Joseph II, and he had the front gable of the Strahov library decorated with a medallion of Joseph II - an enlightened ruler who appreciates the value of the library. The library was created by transforming the former granary, under the command of Ignác Palliardi. Soon afterwards, the library was rebuilt and adjusted to suit the library interior from the abolished Premonstrate temple in Louka near Znojmo, whose books the Strahov abbot managed to acquire. The walnut wood library was built in Prague in the years 1794 - 1797 by the original author Jan Lahofer of Tasovice. The highest lines of books are only accessible from a gallery, to which there are spiral staircases in the library corners, hidden by fake spines of books.In 1794, Anton Maulbertsh painted the library ceiling with a theme Journey of mankind to wisdom, according to the painting in the library in Louka. The library is by far not only focusing on religion; there are also medical, pharmaceutical, mathematical, juridical, philosophical, geographical, astronomical, and other books. The hall is 32 m long, 10 m wide and 14 m high.

Canon EOS 70D
1/100s f/4.5 at 21.0mm iso12800 full exif

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Cemil Gursen10-Apr-2017 11:01
I love having time in libraries. This is one those where I can spend hours, everyday. This is a wonderful shot Joes ! V
Raymond03-Apr-2017 18:45
Wow, I can almost smell the old books, the ambiance, the quiet shuffle of feets and pages ... for so long ... stunning
Graeme28-Mar-2017 11:56
Stunning painted ceilings.BV
Gary Retterbush24-Mar-2017 11:59
Wonderful POV!
barbarajoy24-Mar-2017 03:07
Beautiful place, Jose. Well composed image. Another for our list while there. V
janescottcumming24-Mar-2017 00:13
Great composition, what a place! V
Carter Creek24-Mar-2017 00:10
Awesome library. You are doing a great job in presenting it. V
Walter Otto Koenig23-Mar-2017 23:42
What an amazing library. Beautiful ceiling decoration. "V"
bill friedlander23-Mar-2017 23:15
A lovely building to house a library. The art work is stunning. V
Jim Coffman23-Mar-2017 21:50
Simply amazing!!
Jeff Real23-Mar-2017 21:47
Great closer look at the details ~V~
peterjay4523-Mar-2017 21:39
Very well captured image of this beautiful library.
Jean Chiasson23-Mar-2017 21:20
Splendid Library Hall presentation Jose v
Ken Chambers ARPS23-Mar-2017 20:41
Amazing History and stunning Photograph, Jose
Helen Betts23-Mar-2017 20:40
Such a beautiful ceiling, and a fine composition as well. V.
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