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joseantonio | all galleries >> Galleries >> SWITZERLAND 2014 > Hiking in Grindelwald
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Hiking in Grindelwald

Taken through the not too clean glass of the gondola
The tourism industry began in Grindelwald in the late 18th century as foreigners discovered the scenic town. Pictures of the vistas were widely reprinted, quickly making the village internationally famous. In the 19th century many Englishmen came to the village to climb the alpine peaks around the valley. The Finsteraarhorn (4,274 m [14,022 ft]), the Wetterhorn (3,692 m [12,113 ft]), the Eiger (3,970 m [13,020 ft]), the Schreckhorn (4,078 m [13,379 ft]) and the Gross Fiescherhorn (4,049 m [13,284 ft]) were all climbed during the 19th century. The Grindelwald road was built in 1860–72, and the Bernese Oberland railway reached the village in 1890, both of which transformed an arduous journey into a simple trip and allowed tourists to flood into the village. The first resort opened in 1888, there were 10 hotels in 1889, and by 1914 there were 33 in Grindelwald

Canon EOS 70D
1/30s f/16.0 at 20.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
BAS Photography03-Aug-2014 11:14
Great landscape! ~V~
MarcViskens31-Jul-2014 19:04
lovely landscape
nice captured
Dennis Hoyne30-Jul-2014 02:27
A beautiful peaceful valley, it has the look of being carved by a glacier.
Gary A. Rich (GRainelev)30-Jul-2014 01:02
Terrific image. Sure looks nice during the summer time. V.
Jean D30-Jul-2014 00:23
Lovely valley scene, Jose. ~V
Hank Vander Velde29-Jul-2014 23:38
Excellent shot of this beautiful valley Jose.
Walter Otto Koenig29-Jul-2014 22:53
Nice view to the end of the valley. Judging by the hut and grass the farmers use every available area for grazing. "V"
Jim Coffman29-Jul-2014 22:33
What a wonderful place to hike!!
Buz Kiefer29-Jul-2014 22:24
Lovely photo and interesting comments.
Sandy Rich29-Jul-2014 22:05
A beautiful and serene area
larose forest photos29-Jul-2014 21:37
A hiker's paradise it seems to me. Wonderful landscape, well captured. V
Richard Glenn29-Jul-2014 21:33
Takes me back to the movie Heidi with Shirley Temple. Such a beautiful setting!! V
marie-jose wolff29-Jul-2014 21:12
beautiful and peaceful valley! V
Gerard Koehl29-Jul-2014 19:52
Cette vallée est très belle. V
Gary Retterbush29-Jul-2014 19:47
A wonderful picture of that beautiful valley! A hiker's paradise!
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