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joseantonio | all galleries >> Galleries >> ITALIA 2012 > Arezzo. Piazza Grande
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Arezzo. Piazza Grande

The Piazza Grande is the most noteworthy medieval square in the city, opening behind the 13th century Romanesque apse of Santa Maria della Pieve. Once the main marketplace of the city, it is currently the site of the Giostra del Saracino ("Joust of the Saracen"). It has a sloping pavement in red brick with limestone geometrical lines. Aside from the apse of the church, other landmarks of the square include:
The Palace of the Lay Fraternity (Fraternita dei Laici): 14th-15th century palazzo, with a Gothic ground floor and a quattrocento second floor by Bernardo Rossellino.
The Vasari Loggia along the north side, a flat Mannerist façade designed by Giorgio Vasari.
Episcopal Palace, seat of the bishops, rebuilt in the mid-13th century. The interior has frescoes by Salvi Castellucci, Teofilo Torri, and Pietro Benvenuti. In front of the Palace is the Monument to Grand Duke Ferdinando I de' Medici (1595), by Pietro Francavilla, following a design of Giambologna.
Palazzo Cofani-Brizzolari, with the Torre Faggiolana.

1/250s f/8.0 at 6.2mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jess. ( Lady.D.)22-May-2012 15:15
Shapes, sizes and lines all well captured....
Mike H.22-May-2012 14:01
Nicely composed, like your choice of verticals.
Interesting facts gathered too.
Martin Lamoon22-May-2012 13:52
Great scene well done for getting it all in. V
Guest 22-May-2012 13:32
Beautiful, how busy those artist, sculptors and churchmen were in designing this square.
Tom LeRoy22-May-2012 12:11
Excellent old town scene, like these unique buildings. V
Stephanie22-May-2012 11:52
What a beautiful square! This reminds me a bit of San Gimignano. :)
Graeme22-May-2012 08:34
A wonderful composition of this town square and character buildings, Jose.BV
Helen Betts22-May-2012 08:25
Great photograph of the town square! My father's family is from Arezzo, and this brings back pleasant memories of a visit years ago.
woody3422-May-2012 06:56
Great shot..that could be a wonderful way to live..we Australians all want our small separate boxes on 1/4 acre lots....wonderful scene.
Colin Dixon CPAGB22-May-2012 06:54
Nice shot :)
Ali Majdfar22-May-2012 06:21
Fantastic capture!~ V
marko gregoric22-May-2012 05:38
Great shot. V
Guest 22-May-2012 05:36
Bona composició. Em recorda una mica a Vic ;^)
John Reynolds LRPS22-May-2012 05:32
Wonderful town scene. V.
Gerard Koehl22-May-2012 04:49
Superbe. V
Bryan Murahashi22-May-2012 04:48
Wonderful buildings in this plaza. V
fotabug22-May-2012 03:31
What a scenic town!
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