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Johnny JAG | all galleries >> Galleries >> SADDEST of the SAD > "If I'd known it was this cold, I'd have stayed in my womb"
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"If I'd known it was this cold, I'd have stayed in my womb"

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We've had a very wintry Easter
the lambs and Daffodils are about the only sign that it's officially Spring

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi
1/1600s f/5.6 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Carole Stevens25-Mar-2008 19:33
Aw lambs already wow thats fantastic beautiful find!
Chris25-Mar-2008 12:02
This in contrast to here - 28 degrees! Love the lambs - so sweet. Chris
Guest 25-Mar-2008 11:59
So sweet. They look like they are about to scamper and be frisky.
laine8225-Mar-2008 09:30
Makes you want to gather them up & take in by the fire...I'll send you my booties knitting patterns
Guest 25-Mar-2008 09:28
awww...what a lovely shot :-) voted
Sheila25-Mar-2008 04:01
Such a sweet shot!
Phillip Normanton24-Mar-2008 23:58
Where's the mummy-sheep to keep 'em warm??
s_barbour24-Mar-2008 23:22
Ahh, they are so sweet, beautiful pose!
joanteno24-Mar-2008 22:54
So cute!
Jackdad24-Mar-2008 21:37
nice pic of these skipping lambs. Saw many really tiny lambs out in the fields in Upper Wensleydale today... they must be tougher than they look...
Nicki Thurgar24-Mar-2008 20:51
Those woolly jackets will keep them warm... lovely shot!
beverley harrison24-Mar-2008 20:45
they need booties!!
Zak24-Mar-2008 19:32
I bet they're cold!
J. Scott Coile24-Mar-2008 18:59
...warm coats :-)
JW24-Mar-2008 18:55
Frozen Lamb, then? They look very healthy on it! Superb picture
Al Chesworth24-Mar-2008 18:18
Nice one's, they breed em hard in the hills.
Ann...24-Mar-2008 18:09
Oh! they need to be inside!!
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