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Johnny JAG | all galleries >> Galleries >> Abarth > Tiny
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Tiny car meets tiny home.

See the story of the truck at:

motorola moto g(7) power
1/33s f/2.0 at 3.9mm iso109 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Theo 02-Jan-2022 21:36
Dear Mr. Jag, ( if this is correct .....) ,
I am a member of a group of enthousiastics owning a classic car, interested also in this picture of the "mobile-home-truck" - as I see a 'MAN cabin-chassis' version with a 20 feet container as Your 'home'. I tried to open the page on 'Instagram' about the birth of that truck , but I don't want to be a member of that community Instagram.
Is is possible to get the information about that birth otherwise ? and may I can get a picture of the "M.A.N. "?
Theo Ernst = a member of the .... community of >
Marisa Livet28-Dec-2019 08:59
Tiny cars run the world!
Martin Lamoon27-Dec-2019 19:20
I do like the car, great colour also
Bill Miller26-Dec-2019 08:39
Who needs a Full Frame car anyway !
laine25-Dec-2019 18:46
A great way to see the world....your new wheels are cute
Tom LeRoy25-Dec-2019 13:12
Small is beautiful ! Merry Christmas, Johnny. V
joanteno25-Dec-2019 12:58
Merry xmas😎
Yvonne25-Dec-2019 03:48
A version of this is very popular down here in Oz, we call them a motorhome..
Great shot capturing both John!
globalgadabout24-Dec-2019 20:06
this gives new meaning to the phrase 'mobile home'...
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