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Johnny JAG | all galleries >> Galleries >> SADDEST of the SAD > the look
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the look

She walked straight towards me and gave me one of those looks.....
just like mother used to......
she was probably saying "Why are you kneeling in the mud? Stupid boy!".....

other sizes: small medium large auto
cits_4_pets06-Apr-2014 21:35
Great expression capture and love the placement of the ewe in the frame. Nice bokeh. Excellent!!!
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE324-Feb-2013 16:32
A real great capture. V
Lieve Snellings22-May-2012 23:24
fantastic Johnny... V
Milan Vogrin14-Feb-2011 15:03
Great shot!V!
s_barbour28-Feb-2009 13:33
Well hello there! Great shot Johnny, wonderful eye contact!
Susan Leigh28-Feb-2009 12:21
Love it, this is a classic!!! 'Mona Fleecer' LOL
joanteno28-Feb-2009 11:57
Wow what a LOOK! Maybe it is because I am sleep deprived, but she does not look like she is thinking kind thoughts..
Sheila28-Feb-2009 11:47
She is really pretty! But giving you the LOOK alright.
JW28-Feb-2009 10:53
I think you're crediting sheep with far more logic than they have. She's probably thinking "what's all this green stuff I'm standing on?!" LOL!
Marie-Hélène Raletz28-Feb-2009 05:20
I love the hand-sewn button-eyes on this cuddly-toy :)
laine8228-Feb-2009 03:29
Knit me a sweater please...I love that coffee colour.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography27-Feb-2009 23:28
Excellent, Vote :)
Jackdad27-Feb-2009 23:14
great eyes. she;d give paul mckenna a run for his money.
Mairéad27-Feb-2009 23:06
Very stern looking indeed
Buz Kiefer27-Feb-2009 22:27
Good DoF and a nice portrait Johnny. Those are strange eyes.
Faye White27-Feb-2009 22:24
the look of ewe - love it!
tinkerb27-Feb-2009 22:11
The 'you stupid boy' look is passed on from mother to daughter by osmosis - I am often on the recieving end of it - justifiably! Great shot - have you got names for them yet?
Anja Lieder27-Feb-2009 21:53
Oh, can I download this to use it as my desktop calendar piece for MArch?
Anja Lieder27-Feb-2009 21:53
Look at those slitty eyes and curly nose hair.... wonderful! As a human, she'd probably a schoolmistress...???
Neil Horner27-Feb-2009 21:27
....and she would be right .....LOL.
Al Chesworth27-Feb-2009 21:20
The things some people do for a piccy.
Ann...27-Feb-2009 20:57
Oh! this was well worth the muddy knees!!
J. Scott Coile27-Feb-2009 20:40
Perfect bit of shallow isolation John!
marie-jose wolff27-Feb-2009 20:07
great portrait, what a look! V
malcolm haslam27-Feb-2009 20:07
Yep, it definitely is THE LOOK.
Ric Yates27-Feb-2009 19:33
Great picure - particularly the composition with the second ewe to the right!
Zak27-Feb-2009 19:09
Errr why WERE you kneeling in the mud!? heheh
Phillip Normanton27-Feb-2009 18:37
This one's brilliant - even if she does think you're a nutter :-))
Kevin Chester27-Feb-2009 18:10
Great Dof Johnny. Was it the Look of Love :-)
Kathryn27-Feb-2009 17:46
She's gorgeous - I'm getting fond of sheep too.
beverley harrison27-Feb-2009 17:27
i love this one!! great eye contact!!
Guest 27-Feb-2009 17:26
Great photo. She looks like she has buttons for eyes. V
Pat Shawyer27-Feb-2009 17:11
Fantastic shot Johnny J..
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