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Cottonwood Lakes Backpack

August 18-24, 2005

10,040 ft. Cottonwood Lakes Trailhead
11,008 ft. Cottonwood Lake Basin (First 3 nights)
12,000 ft. Army Pass
14,026 ft. Mount Langley (only hiked to 13,000 ft.)
12,385 ft. New Army Pass
10,624 ft. Soldier Lake (Nights 4 & 5)
11,600 ft. Sky Blue Lake
11,200 ft. Chicken Spring Lake (Night 6)
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Mt. Langley and Whitney from Alabama Hills
Mt. Langley and Whitney from Alabama Hills
Mt. Whitney from Alabama Hills
Mt. Whitney from Alabama Hills
Lone Pine from road to Cottonwood Lakes trailhead
Lone Pine from road to Cottonwood Lakes trailhead
Cottonwood Lakes trailhead
Cottonwood Lakes trailhead
Our routes
Our routes
Cottonwood Lake 1
Cottonwood Lake 1
Cottonwood Lake 1
Cottonwood Lake 1
Campsite between Cottonwood Lake 2 and 3
Campsite between Cottonwood Lake 2 and 3
Pond Between Cottonwood Lake 2 and 3
Pond Between Cottonwood Lake 2 and 3
Pond Between Cottonwood Lake 2 and 3
Pond Between Cottonwood Lake 2 and 3
Pond Between Cottonwood Lake 2 and 3
Pond Between Cottonwood Lake 2 and 3
Sierra fringed gentian
Sierra fringed gentian
Sierra fringed gentian
Sierra fringed gentian
Rock Fringe
Rock Fringe
Old Army Pass Trail
Old Army Pass Trail
Old Army Pass Trail
Old Army Pass Trail
Cottonwood Lake 5 and 4
Cottonwood Lake 5 and 4
Top of Army Pass
Top of Army Pass
Above Army Pass
Above Army Pass
Mt. Langley (Right) from New Army Pass
Mt. Langley (Right) from New Army Pass
Mt. Whitney from New Army Pass
Mt. Whitney from New Army Pass
v3/58/101658/3/48830792.hj20050825BackpackShowIMG_0265.jpg v3/58/101658/3/48830793.hj20050825BackpackShowIMG_0266.jpg High Lake from New Army Pass Trail
High Lake from New Army Pass Trail
High Lake
High Lake
Long Lake
Long Lake
Mt. Langley from Cottonwood Lake 3
Mt. Langley from Cottonwood Lake 3
Jeffrey Shooting Star
Jeffrey Shooting Star
Jeffrey Shooting Star
Jeffrey Shooting Star
Jeffrey Shooting Star
Jeffrey Shooting Star
Jeffrey Shooting Star
Jeffrey Shooting Star
v3/58/101658/3/48830803.hj20050825BackpackShowIMG_0296.jpg v3/58/101658/3/48830804.hj20050825BackpackShowIMG_0297.jpg Army Pass from Cottonwood lake 5
Army Pass from Cottonwood lake 5
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