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Jean-Luc Elias | all galleries >> Galleries >> My old cameras > Linhof Technika Press 6x7
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Linhof Technika Press 6x7

Nikon D300
1/60s f/4.0 at 50.0mm full exif

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javier 16-Aug-2015 15:36
I have one of this technica press with the the biogon 53mm, planar 100 mm and sonar 180 mm. wiever 90-300, and sport wiever 53-300. roll 56x72, and 60x90. back 6x9 with 10 chasis. level, and filters. I wanna sell it. my name is javier ad email klencoll*
Paco López25-Feb-2009 10:49
Excellent camera ...and beautiful!!! V!!!
Colin Clarke21-Nov-2008 11:14
Wow. Nice.