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jinj1 | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Australia - East Coast and Red Centre tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Australia - East Coast and Red Centre

Fraser Island
Fraser Island
Fraser Island - scenic flight
Fraser Island - scenic flight
Fraser Island - view from India Head
Fraser Island - view from India Head
Stuck in sand on Fraser
Stuck in sand on Fraser
Whitsunday Islands
Whitsunday Islands
A Backpacker's life is so hard!  Yawn.
A Backpacker's life is so hard! Yawn.
Whits sunset
Whits sunset
Undara National Park - wallabies
Undara National Park - wallabies
Undara National Park - kangaroos
Undara National Park - kangaroos
Undara National Park - cute liddle lizard
Undara National Park - cute liddle lizard
Atherton Tablelands (or Devonshire??)
Atherton Tablelands (or Devonshire??)
Red Centre - my swag
Red Centre - my swag