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John Reynolds LRPS | all galleries >> England >> Herefordshire > Window detail
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29-MAY-2017 John Reynolds

Window detail

Hereford Cathedral, Hereford, England

Window detail from the Bishop John Stanbury chantry chapel showing the cathedral prior to Easter Monday 1786 when the west tower collapsed. The window was made in the early 20th century by the Bromsgrove Guild, part of the Arts and Crafts movement. The central spire seen in the picture has also gone.

1/80s f/4.0 at 35.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Graeme21-Jun-2017 22:06
A superb capture of this stained glass window, John,.BV!!
joseantonio03-Jun-2017 04:03
lovely and beautiful window with a nice story behind.V.
Ton T.02-Jun-2017 21:53
Most beautiful! V
Ken Chambers ARPS02-Jun-2017 20:13
Superb image, John
chris morton02-Jun-2017 19:19
an interesting bit of history in it
Helen Betts02-Jun-2017 19:09
Very interesting window and description, well captured. V.
MarcViskens02-Jun-2017 18:53
very beautiful work
well done
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