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John Reynolds LRPS | all galleries >> England >> Herefordshire > SAS window
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29-MAY-2017 John Reynolds

SAS window

Hereford Cathedral, Hereford, England

A recently installed window in Hereford Cathedral dedicated to the Special Air Service (SAS), an elite unit of the British Armed Forces.

1/1000s f/6.3 at 35.0mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Bill Miller01-Jun-2017 06:52
A wonderful window, and well exposed here.
Martin Lamoon31-May-2017 20:24
A fine capture John.
chris morton31-May-2017 19:57
PS they used to be stationed just outside Hereford and when superannuated manned the Rugby Team and several building firms
joseantonio31-May-2017 18:41
nothing to do with the old Gothic windows, but equally lovely.V
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