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John Reynolds LRPS | all galleries >> England >> Herefordshire > Hereford in the rain
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29-MAY-2017 John Reynolds

Hereford in the rain

Hereford, England

Hereford on a typical late May bank holiday Monday - cloud and rain all day!

1/320s f/4.0 at 35.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)01-Jun-2017 06:12
Lovely image.V
Bill Miller30-May-2017 06:17
A lovely view along the river, despite the rain.
fotabug30-May-2017 05:05
Marvelous view
Colin Storey29-May-2017 19:17
Nice moody bank holiday scene.
Martin Lamoon29-May-2017 19:13
Gives the scene great atmosphere.
WE had cloud but no rain in Devon
Carol How29-May-2017 19:03
Lovely composition which really compliments the scene! V
Helen Betts29-May-2017 16:51
The rain seems to have enhanced the lush color in this excellent capture. V.
joseantonio29-May-2017 16:30
Looks lovely despite the weather.V
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