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JG Russell | profile | all galleries >> Vacations & Trips >> Southern Africa 2008 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Southern Africa 2008

Once in a lifetime trip
to Southern Africa --
South Africa, Botswana,
Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia
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Journey of giraffes
Journey of giraffes
Warthogs on the run
Warthogs on the run
Male nyala at waterhole
Male nyala at waterhole
Male kudu
Male kudu
Female kudu in bush
Female kudu in bush
Impala stag
Impala stag
Elephants contending
Elephants contending
Red duiker
Red duiker
Waterbucks at waterhole
Waterbucks at waterhole
Waterbuck stag
Waterbuck stag
Waterbuck stag
Waterbuck stag
Waterbuck stag
Waterbuck stag
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