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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> They Say It's Your Birthday... > Happy Birthday Cindi!
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Happy Birthday Cindi!

Bug and I just wanted to wish you a perfect day.
You sure do deserve it for all the happiness that you bring to the world.

School art by Bug; age 6 (almost 7!)

Casio EX-Z750
1/25s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
R. Walls02-Mar-2008 22:19
From a special artist to a special person. Nice tribute. Happy belated Bday Cindi!
Bill Ewart Jr02-Mar-2008 01:08
She is a wonderful artist!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cindi Smith01-Mar-2008 22:51
Oh, you made me cry! This is beautiful, Bug and Jen! Jen, give her my hugest hugs! I love it!!!!! Couldn't ask for a better gift!
royalld01-Mar-2008 18:33
Very very creative... well done Audrey.
Happy Birthday, Cindi.
Jim Larkin01-Mar-2008 18:20
Wow. This is pretty cool. I think Bug's is the best. Those other kids could learn a thing or three from her. Happy B-day Cindi.
Robin Reid01-Mar-2008 18:16
Great job Bug. Happy birthday Cindi.
Dan Chusid01-Mar-2008 17:18
So, 'bug is making topical maps at the age of 6 years, 363 days?
I don't think I started before I was seventeen!
Looks like she'll know her way around when you hand her the car keys
in a few years.
; )
Happy Birthday Cindi!
Guest 01-Mar-2008 16:41
How sweet! Cindi will love this. You are right--
she deserves it for sure. Great job, Bug!
Deborah Lewis01-Mar-2008 15:00
Good job Bug, Happy Birthday Cindi!
John Buffin01-Mar-2008 14:22
I can hear the kids singing "this land is your land, this land is my land..."
beverley harrison01-Mar-2008 12:23
she'll love this i'm sure...happy birthday cindi!!
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