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Happy 5-0 Ron!

The Walls' Home

Fellow pbaser, Ron Walls, grew up about 12 miles from my current home.

We are celebrating your day here in York!

Pbase has made me some great friends
and you are one of those!

Par-tay like Mick Jaggar...hee know I had to say it!

Casio EX-Z750
1/30s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Allison Moses 26-Dec-2007 17:01
Wow, What I would do for one more night in that home....I can smell the Grandpa's pipe looking at the picture! Thank you Jen, I have no idea who you are but that picture is worth more than a million words......Happy Birthday Uncle Ron!
Guest 21-Dec-2007 02:55
There used to be a spreading shrub near that sign. One
day "little Ron" decided to light his homemade rocket
next to that shrub. Oops--there came the fire department!
Linda 20-Dec-2007 15:30
I have to add the memory of Ron as a "little guy" (anyone that knows him now knows he isn't such a little guy anymore) running around that house taking off the door knobs!
Linda Moses 20-Dec-2007 04:16
I was so shocked to see this....thank you so much. What fond memories all of us have, including the grandkids. Ron, can't be turning 50, he is our baby brother!!!
Amanda 19-Dec-2007 22:10
Jen, I'm not sure of who you are but thank you so much for getting this photo and Uncle Ron HAPPY BIRTHDAY (I hope I get to see you next week)!!!!! This photo brings back so many memories for me as well. I miss this home so much it brings tears to my eyes but not as much as I miss my Grandfather and the time we spent together there. Oh I'd give anything to have us all back in that house and sharing one bathroom again even if it was for only a day :)
Guest 19-Dec-2007 12:30
Very thoughtful of you, Jen!
Dan Chusid19-Dec-2007 07:05
Just returned from celebrating here with some Coldstone Creamery
ice cream. (Sorry, no Walls here either)
I think I heard them mention Ron's birthday on CNN or FOX
news tonight. Man, news really travels when you hit those
high numbers!

: )
PS: Great detective work Jen & bug in tracking this place down for
the pic. A Realtor would be proud of this view.
Kate Walls 19-Dec-2007 02:31
Have to agree with my does look lonely. Certainly is missing the love and activity that use to surrond that home. One thing is still a mystery though. How did 3 sisters, one brother, a mom and a dad share one bathroom all those years!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kate Walls 19-Dec-2007 02:23
It's surreal to see this and to think that my little brother turns 50.....seems like only yesterday we were running around that yard.....How can time pass us by like that? Looking at this picture created more flash backs than any drug could possibly create. So many memories of this home. I must say it's lacking mom's flowers and shrubs though. Jen, you outdid yourself! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this.
Cindi Smith19-Dec-2007 01:33
I'm older than you Ron! 50 is good! I love the pic you put up here, Jen! I see Ron really appreciates this! what a great idea!
Guest 19-Dec-2007 00:17
Happy Birthday, Brother! You are catching up to me :) I can't (or didn't) do anything to top this! Don't fly to the UK to collect our money without me.
Jen--You found this because of --or in spite of-- my directions? This was such
a fun idea. Thank you! I don't think any of us have a photo of the enitre house. It looks somewhat lonesome without all the shrubery that used to be there.

R. Walls18-Dec-2007 23:40
OMG, I haven't seen that place in at least 10 years! The last time I was there, that tree wasn't any bigger than I was!Other than that, (and a few missing shrubs)it's unchanged! My whole family is going to enjoy seeing this. Thank you so much for thinking of this!!!! And Ray, I knew there had to be some family money somewhere. I'm on my to the UK to collect my share....... in ice cream!
Ray :)18-Dec-2007 23:24
Happy 5-0 Ron!
You know that Walls is a famous brand of ice cream over here in the UK! Hope you are getting a share of the profits!
J. Scott Coile18-Dec-2007 23:20
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... It's HIS B'day! Happy 5-0 big guy!!!
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