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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> They Say It's Your Birthday... > Mama Of The Corn
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Mama Of The Corn

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Casio EX-Z750
1/640s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
caveman_lee14-Oct-2007 14:03
Happy brithday. Nice composition and lighting. Great shot.
carol j. phipps14-Oct-2007 00:58
Happy! Happy Birthday!
Pic Chick13-Oct-2007 21:19
I've heard of 'Children of the Corn"...but mama? LOL - cute shot! Happy B-day!
FairEnigma13-Oct-2007 19:37
Happy Happy Day (a lil late) but still heartfelt!
Cindi Smith13-Oct-2007 16:16
This is delightful...did you guys head back out to the corn maze? If she just turned 22 then you must be 11...boy you guys start young at motherhood! Deb, you look great, girl! I love the angle, Jen!
Sue Roberts13-Oct-2007 12:27
great pic! we were to one of these recently here in nj and it was a great day for photos of glorious sun in the corn... looks like you got some great ones too!
Victoria13-Oct-2007 08:38
Happy Birthday, awesome image
olivier bruning13-Oct-2007 06:34
what a lovely birthday greeting!
dane13-Oct-2007 05:37
nice saturated colors and control of lighting.
Dave Wixx13-Oct-2007 04:10
HAPPY BIRTHDAY.................. are you 10 or 12 ;->
Patricia Lay-Dorsey13-Oct-2007 04:09
Happy birthday from Detroit too! Love this shot!
AL13-Oct-2007 03:36
Happy Birthday Deborah! And many happy returns! Love the connecting blue :-)
Dan Chusid13-Oct-2007 03:10
A walk through York and a walk through the cornfield.
Certainly getting some exercise!
Just keep following that blue tape.....

Happy Birthday Deborah!!!
Bill Ewart Jr13-Oct-2007 03:00
hAHAHAHAHA~ What a funny title!!!!! You actually found your way through one of these mazes????? Cool...
Guest 13-Oct-2007 02:30
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday to you, Hey! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
Guest 13-Oct-2007 00:31
Happy Birthday! You look A-Maizing!
Mike Stobbs12-Oct-2007 23:27
Happy birthday to your mom Jen.....have a great one...Mike
Guest 12-Oct-2007 21:55
Jens a great mom and so are u
Guest 12-Oct-2007 21:42
She will be out by dark, don't worry!
Mattias Backström12-Oct-2007 21:30
Grattis på födelsedagen! :)
Ray :)12-Oct-2007 21:28
And a Happy Birthday to your Mom!
Ray :)12-Oct-2007 21:28
Looks a good place to hide!
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