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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> They Say It's Your Birthday... > Happy Birthday B1
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Happy Birthday B1

Oriole Park at Camden Yards

May you and your shadow keep reaching for the stars!
Have a great day!!!

Casio EX-Z750
1/400s f/4.0 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
carol j. phipps31-Aug-2007 03:20
Wonderful message and great shadows.
Bill Ewart Jr30-Aug-2007 22:47
This is one of the best shadow shots I've ever seen!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!
R. Walls26-Aug-2007 23:14
Thank you for remembering my Birthday B1.
Guest 26-Aug-2007 17:28
Happy Birthday, B1! It's your special day,
and I hope that all of your birthday wishes
come true!
Love from Aunt Barbie
Dan Chusid26-Aug-2007 16:13
Birthdays are made to be shared!
Hope it's a Super Day B1!
Guest 26-Aug-2007 14:38
Very cool idea.... Beautiful words
Kate Walls 26-Aug-2007 14:34
Jen you made me cry - but tears of joy - how sweet of you - love the wishes too! B1 is the little girl to me that I never had!
dane26-Aug-2007 12:43
cool shot V
Mike Stobbs26-Aug-2007 12:14
Have a great one B1...hope you enjoyed yourself....Mike
Cindi Smith26-Aug-2007 12:12
Happy Birthday, B1! Don't grow up too fast! I hope this day and every birthday to come brings you all the happiness in the world!
Vincent Belford26-Aug-2007 12:11
love those shadows
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