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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> They Say It's Your Birthday... > Happy Birthday Pops
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Happy Birthday Pops

Happy Father's Day too!
Thank you for everything that you do for me and Bug.
I love you very much.

And a Happy Father's Day to all those great Dads out there on pbase!

Casio EX-Z750
1/20s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
carol j. phipps19-Jun-2007 00:31
Happy, Happy Birthday!
J. Scott Coile18-Jun-2007 21:48
This should make him smile.
Dave Wixx18-Jun-2007 03:32
Cool perspective. Who won?
Ray :)17-Jun-2007 22:59
Happy Birthday Pops!
I thought that was a classroom register at first!
Guest 17-Jun-2007 18:00
Lovely tribute,Jen, and a great treatment to the image. Hope your Pops enjoys his very special day!:0)
Jim Larkin17-Jun-2007 15:48
Wow..birthday AND Father's Day. Lucky guy. Happy Birthdads Day.
Dan Chusid17-Jun-2007 15:35
Happy Father's Day Bill.
Hope it's filled with extra base hits today!
Cindi Smith17-Jun-2007 15:03
Happy Birthday, Pops! This is a great shot and love the treatment. Happy Father's Day too! He's such a great guy!
Deborah Lewis17-Jun-2007 14:11
Ah, reminiscing his softball stats! Happy Birthday, Pops!
virginiacoastline17-Jun-2007 14:09
virginiacoastline17-Jun-2007 14:08
Happy Dad's day!!! Beautifully composed and very clever treatment Jen =)
Robin Reid17-Jun-2007 13:41
How nice Jen. Well done. And I gather you Dad loves to watch baseball and keep score.
Mike Stobbs17-Jun-2007 13:20
Very well done Jen....
Guest 17-Jun-2007 12:45
sweet shot Jen
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