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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> They Say It's Your Birthday... > Happy Birthday Jim!
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Happy Birthday Jim!

Never grow up, my friend.

Long live Peter Pan!

Forever Young

By Bob Dylan

May God bless and keep you always,
May your wishes all come true,
May you always do for others
And let others do for you.
May you build a ladder to the stars
And climb on every rung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

May you grow up to be righteous,
May you grow up to be true,
May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you.
May you always be courageous,
Stand upright and be strong,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

May your hands always be busy,
May your feet always be swift,
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift.
May your heart always be joyful,
May your song always be sung,
May you stay forever young,
Forever young, forever young,
May you stay forever young.

Casio EX-Z750
1/250s f/4.0 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Jim Larkin11-Jun-2007 05:19
Sweet. of your favorite people? This was cool and a totally fitting song. Thanks Jen.
Deborah Lewis10-Jun-2007 21:45
Hey I recognize that "bug" - happy birthday Jim and many more!
Dan Chusid10-Jun-2007 17:28
I try to live by that song too.
: )
~Happy Birthday Jim!~
R. Walls10-Jun-2007 13:13
There is a lot to like about this! Beautiful flowers in the background!
Happy Bday, Jim! May we all stay forever young!
Guest 10-Jun-2007 12:53
SuperBug ?
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