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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> They Say It's Your Birthday... > Happy Birthday, Jax!
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31-MAY-2007 Deborah Lewis

Happy Birthday, Jax!

A big shout out to my baby sis for her 28th birthday!
We love ya, girl!
I speak for all of us when I say we wish you were home today.
Sending cyber hugz 2 U...

I think this was Easter Sunday one year...need Mom to fill in the blanks!

Casio EX-Z750
1/13s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Jax 01-Jun-2007 19:52
Thank you soooooo... much! I had a wonderful day relaxing on the beach with friends. The only thing that would have made it better, is if my family and Rich were there to share in the warm sunshine. I love you all very much!!!
Dan Chusid01-Jun-2007 05:34
Hope it was a FAAB-ulous one Jax!
A very special year for you as the calendar
pages turn ahead...
Guest 01-Jun-2007 04:30
Happy Birtday, Jax!
Jim Larkin01-Jun-2007 03:51
Happy Birthday Jax....I wish I had something funny to say but I am all out of funny at the moment. Will sarcasm do?
Cindi Smith01-Jun-2007 02:37
She was sooo cute! Still is! Happy B-Day, Jax!
Dave Wixx01-Jun-2007 01:28
She hasn't changed much, but I'm betting the dress is a little shorter now!!!!
Happy Birthday.
R. Walls31-May-2007 23:32
So cute! Happy Bday Jax!
Ray :)31-May-2007 22:55
Happy Birthday Jax!
Deborah Lewis31-May-2007 19:37
OMG - Yes it was Easter and heading over to the Lewis' (Reisterstown in the year 1983?????) Happy Birthday, Jacklynn, hope you enjoyed your day.......
Doug Kessler31-May-2007 19:03
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