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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> They Say It's Your Birthday... > Happy Birthday, Willis
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Happy Birthday, Willis

Caught this on a tee shirt in Fells Point during our Baltimore Meet Up.
Willis would've been there but he had to work.
Happy Birthday, Willis....I know you are "still playin"!!!!
Ravens rule! (He's a Steeler's Fan)....
Coors Light rules (He's a Bud Light fan)
Orioles rule (He's a Pirates fan!)
LENO rules (He's a Letterman fan!)

Check out Willis' galleries here:

Casio EX-Z750
1/8s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Dan Chusid09-May-2007 01:06
Belated birthday greetz Willis!

Hey, the guy wearing this shirt was one cool dude!
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