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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> They Say It's Your Birthday... > Happy Birthday, Adrian!
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Happy Birthday, Adrian!

To the King of Reflections!

I had a drink for you!
Okay, I only had a sip or two!
Hey Ade, where's my steak? ;o)

Casio EX-Z750
1/30s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 18-Jun-2007 19:47
Cheers Jen:-))))))))
Robyco11-Apr-2007 11:33
That looks not so bad as birthday present ..... (V)
Guest 10-Apr-2007 05:14
Well. I am simply sooooo jealous. What a perspective!
Ray :)09-Apr-2007 19:55
What a shot for the guy!
Cindi Smith09-Apr-2007 17:28
Great idea! Wonderful BDay gift...looks like Ade ate your steak!
Victoria09-Apr-2007 14:31
Happy Birthday, Adrian!nicely shot
Bill Ewart Jr09-Apr-2007 13:19
Great nails deserve great reflections!~
Robin Reid09-Apr-2007 12:30
Very nicely done.
Renee Lockett09-Apr-2007 11:13
Cheers to ya, Ade. :) Great shot, Jen. :)
Guest 09-Apr-2007 11:04
The steaks longggggg gone:-)
Deborah Lewis09-Apr-2007 10:18
Happy Birthday Ade!
Jola Dziubinska09-Apr-2007 09:56
Sweet capture, Jen, well presented :)
Happy Birthday to Ade!
Guest 09-Apr-2007 09:10
hey this is truly wonderful thanks jen ;-) X
JW09-Apr-2007 08:20
What a super birthday treat for the lad!! Lucky Ade!
FairEnigma09-Apr-2007 06:16
This is a Great Shot! It feels Irish to me...a lil Birthday V0TE for the Birthday Boy!
Dan Chusid09-Apr-2007 04:28
Since you only had a sip or two, better pass it through the screen to us
so we can ALL have a sip to celebrate Ade's B'day.

The more the merrier!!!

~ V ~
Guest 09-Apr-2007 04:15
OMG this is soooo cute! LOL!! Like a St Pauli girl almost!! you are adorable!
Dave Wixx09-Apr-2007 04:02
Superb shot.
Never drink bottled Guinness, only draught, if you want the real stuff.
At least it doesn't look cold!
Guest 09-Apr-2007 03:56
Great shot love the compositon and Happy B-Day
R. Walls09-Apr-2007 03:50
I'll Drink To That!
Add my B-Day wishes as well!
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