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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> They Say It's Your Birthday... > Persistent Passion For Ray
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Persistent Passion For Ray

A big shout out to Ray Pettit...
Happy Birthday!

Casio EX-Z750
1/80s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Dan Chusid18-Jan-2007 03:09
Sounds like the perfect name for a brand of tea.
Better copyright that name right away Ray!
H B R !
R. Walls18-Jan-2007 00:18
I'm starting to think you live next door to a either a sign or theatrical prop shop!
I find things like this once a year, maybe....... I need to get out more.
olivier bruning17-Jan-2007 23:55
great work!! I will tell you my birthday shortly....;-)
Victoria17-Jan-2007 23:13
Gorgeous & shining creative work, lucky Ray!!!!!!!Cheers
Guest 17-Jan-2007 22:42
Very eyecatching message,Jen.Lucky young Ray!.
J. Scott Coile17-Jan-2007 22:30
Too funny. Where did you ever find this. I see you've made his evening :)
Ray :)17-Jan-2007 22:08
Jen, this is perfick!
Thank You!
Carole Stevens17-Jan-2007 21:57
Great colour and composition Jen this is gorgeous!
JW17-Jan-2007 21:51
Lucky Ray!
Cindi Smith17-Jan-2007 21:48
What a lovely sentiment! Nice thing to do, Jen! I'm sure Ray will be pleased.
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