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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> They Say It's Your Birthday... > Rutter's For Ron
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Rutter's For Ron

Had a coffee to toast your special day!

Remember Rutter's?

Casio EX-Z750
1/125s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
blizzard11-Apr-2008 03:51
vewry original and very well composed
AL08-Jan-2007 05:10
A nice dedication and SP too. Hot!
Guest 22-Dec-2006 14:56
So hot...not the coffee :)
Lovely shot, it sure woke you up.
carol j. phipps21-Dec-2006 04:04
Very clear focus here! :)
Guest 19-Dec-2006 23:33
Wild things :)
Gonna read that tonite to my son.
Guest 19-Dec-2006 20:23
Dave Wixx19-Dec-2006 04:44
I think a 16oz would have sufficed!!
Guest 19-Dec-2006 04:21
Wow, You Look Wide Awake Now Jen
R. Walls19-Dec-2006 01:01
Thank You!!!!! It doesn't seem like it was only 3 or 4 years ago when I graduated from High School and got my first summer job at Rutters. How time flies! I hope the coffee is better than it was back then! If not, please tell me you didn't drink it? I really appreciate the thought. You made my day.
The Third Side18-Dec-2006 23:01
From the thumbnail I thought the cup said Gutter's Coffee, which reminded me of Starbucks for some reason.
Sheila18-Dec-2006 22:52
What a bright cheerful shot! It's great and so are your eyes.
Guest 18-Dec-2006 18:56
Hot, hot, hot. And I don't mean the coffee.
J. Scott Coile18-Dec-2006 17:57
ChEeRS & congrats to your Ravens for taking care of business!
Jessica McCollum18-Dec-2006 17:54
Gorgeous eyes!!!
Chris Thorpe18-Dec-2006 13:21
Not De-caff for sure! Nice shot...Happy B'day Ron.
Renee Lockett18-Dec-2006 13:12
Ah, the delight of a potent cup of coffee. :) Great shot, Jen! :)
Paradoxal Studio Classic18-Dec-2006 12:23
Cool picture for a Happy Birthday, Ron !
Guest 18-Dec-2006 12:11
cool t-shirt, and cool shot - and you are not vain, just happen to be in front of the camera.
Carole Stevens18-Dec-2006 11:50
Love your T-Shirt Jen great taste!Lovely idea too Happy birthday Ron!
Victoria18-Dec-2006 10:39
Happy Birthday Ron!
Guest 18-Dec-2006 08:13
Lucky Ron, coffee and a big smile like that!
Guest 18-Dec-2006 07:56
kicking shirt, coffee and EYES, girle!
Dan Chusid18-Dec-2006 06:17
Happy Birthday Ron!
Okay, fill-er-up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's a coffee-riffic pic!
: )
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