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World Cup

My daughter has been dying to get her hands on that new FLOAM stuff that you see on TV.
Finally, picked up the green for her since it is now in the local store.
She put the green on this blue cup and as she was making it, I told her that it looked like the world.
So, she wrote EArth on the bottom.
I thought it was a neat play on words for today's big game.
PS-Happy Birthday, Pops!

Casio EX-Z750
1/25s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 09-Jan-2007 22:09
Good work the two of ya!
Tho Italy won the soccer World Cup, ah bet we'd whip thir ass at real football!
Mike ;o)
Guest 21-Jun-2006 22:33
Great shot but the credit goes to your daughter:-)
Char19-Jun-2006 01:57
How clever that's a terrific cup. Thanks for sharing.
Dan Chusid18-Jun-2006 16:58
I actually got to watch a good part of the game.
Looked like some bad refereeing
might have cost us.
I'll have that drink now...
Cindy Flood17-Jun-2006 18:33
What a treasure!
Guest 17-Jun-2006 17:02
A very talented little girl
Doug Kessler17-Jun-2006 15:53
That's a keeper for sure! Tell her Uncle Doug thinks she did a great job : )
Guest 17-Jun-2006 13:59
LOL. Excellent title. Nice piece of art!
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