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Jen Bixler | all galleries >> Galleries >> They Say It's Your Birthday... > 11-29
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Happy Birthday my dear friend. My life is better because of you. I wish you a year full of happiness and good things. MWAH.

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Guest 03-Dec-2008 07:01
Cool card!
Wei O'Connell03-Dec-2008 05:33
Happy Birthday, Brett. Sorry I am late :-(
Guest 01-Dec-2008 05:56
You offered him a very original birthday card!
Jim Larkin30-Nov-2008 23:55
This is way cool. Like hang up on your wall cool. I don't know him but Happy Birthday to Brett anyway.
Deborah Lewis30-Nov-2008 23:33
Happy Birthday Brett - hope you had a great day!
Cindi Smith30-Nov-2008 21:10
Brett is 40???? He doesn't look a day over 30! Happy Birthday, Brett! You deserve all of the best things in life!
Dan Chusid30-Nov-2008 17:28
He's right behind me...well, almost.
Happy Birthday Brett!
Guest 30-Nov-2008 04:50
Happy Birthday, Brett. I hope all of your
birthday wishes come true! Really cool "card," Jen!
Bill Ewart Jr30-Nov-2008 02:48
I love it! You did great making this card!!!!! Bravo~ V
and wish another happy b-day to Brett!
pr_rajan30-Nov-2008 02:18
...happy birthday!
1moremile30-Nov-2008 01:49
Brett's 40? Yikes! He sure doesn't look it. Happy Birthday, Brett.
J. Scott Coile29-Nov-2008 23:39
You rock. What a super graphic gift. This should bring a smile. You are a good friend

I'll jump in on the b'day wish wagon. Any good friend of yours has to be a good friend of mine :-)
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