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Jean Chiasson | all galleries >> Galleries >> Chouette éperviere ( Northern Hawk > Chouette éperviere ( Northern Hawk ( 2 of 4 )
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Chouette éperviere ( Northern Hawk ( 2 of 4 )

Pentax K10D
1/1000s f/8.0 at 310.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Debbie Stahre10-Jan-2021 21:11
Love the pose here! Great shot!!!
Olaf Herrig09-Feb-2010 21:15
Great photo shot!
Aivar Mikko02-Feb-2010 07:05
Excellent position of wings. V.
Marcia Colelli02-Feb-2010 01:22
Nice timing, beautiful shot V
NealyBob01-Feb-2010 18:48
Perfect timing in this capture! Excellent stop action Jean~!V
Lamar Nix01-Feb-2010 15:14
Very nice! V
Guest 01-Feb-2010 13:23
great shot and timing.
CM Kwan01-Feb-2010 13:20
Excellent timing, the pose is beautiful, Jean! V
Patricia Kay01-Feb-2010 06:52
Excellent capture Jean....BV
Art Parnell01-Feb-2010 02:56
Terrific capture of those piercing eyes, Jean. Well done!
Hank Vander Velde01-Feb-2010 02:41
Super shot with nice wing spread Jean.
Jean D01-Feb-2010 00:39
Super landing capture, Jean! ~V
bill friedlander31-Jan-2010 22:27
Whose going to blink first. I guess the camera did and the result is super. V
Valene31-Jan-2010 21:34
Wonderful capture! V
Colin Storey31-Jan-2010 19:00
Fantastic shot of the inflight action. v
Robert Houde31-Jan-2010 18:11
Superbe regard, bravo Jean.
Jim Coffman31-Jan-2010 17:57
Jean, you have photographed more owls than I have seen in a life time. Great shot! V
Blandine Mangin31-Jan-2010 17:36
superbe ! v
Guest 31-Jan-2010 16:54
Those eyes could burn holes right through you. Excellent capture. V
Peter Stahl31-Jan-2010 15:40
You got his attention. A super capture Jean! :-)
pierreratte31-Jan-2010 14:34
Nice shot Jean, Bravo