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Janet Gindlesperger | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> gov_sarah_palins_campaign_visit tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Republican candidate for Vice President, visited Fredericksburg on October 27, 2008. I believe the newspaper said there were about 8,000 people there at Hurkamp Park. There were several short speeches by other candidates and politicians. I didn't decide to go inside the park until after the gates had already been open for a while, so I wasn't able to get close enough to really see any of the speakers.
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 William St..
William St..
Park and stage area
Park and stage area
Cold but still smiling!
Cold but still smiling!
Vendors and metal detectors
Vendors and metal detectors
Waiting in line
Waiting in line
Keeping an eye on us
Keeping an eye on us
Crowd near the stage
Crowd near the stage
Protesting the protestors
Protesting the protestors
Close to the entrance
Close to the entrance
Secret Service
Secret Service
Up On the Roof
Up On the Roof
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