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2013 BHS Reunion

On September 27 and 28, 2013, the BHS class of 1963 hosted their 50th Anniversary reunion at the Hampton Inn in Fredericksburg, Texas. They had invited several other classes and the attendance was very good. Lots of people arrived on Friday and most went to dinner at Hondo's that night where the veranda was reserved for us. Many stayed until the wee hours after dinner for music and dancing. On Saturday morning the doors to our meeting room were opened and a sign was placed outside welcoming all the Bearcats. We had a great day visiting, looking at old annuals and photos, going off to various places for lunch and shopping. It was great to see so many old friends and make some new ones. I always enjoy hearing the comments from the spouses of the exes. They seem to have as much fun as we do! We had a very good catered dinner that evening and were given quite a surprise when we found out that our former teacher, M. E. Sweeney, and father of 1963 schoolmate Judy Sweeney Pleasants had treated us all to this dinner. Many thanks to him! Judy, Pam and Joanne did a great job of keeping it a secret! Thanks again to Mr. Sweeney! After the dinner many went to see the show at the Rockbox Theater. I didn't go this year, but everyone seemed to enjoy the show, even though Russ and Wendy Hearn are no longer associated with the theater. We had a wonderful time and I hope to see everyone in Ballinger in 2015. A reunion hasn't been scheduled in Fredericksburg for 2014, but who knows??

Also wanted to mention the beautiful hand-painted scarves Rudy Jaques does and sells. He brought several to show. If you want more information on them, I can put you in touch with him.

Thank you to the folks who sent me photos - Joanne Dallinger Cheshier, Vivian Thompson Keele, Cathy Knight Renfro, Pam Price Murfee. Just realized I haven't put my own photos on here yet!
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