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Janice Dunn | all galleries >> Galleries >> Dec 2011 Challenge - Book Titles > The Cruel Sea
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10-DEC-2011 Janice Dunn

The Cruel Sea

December 2011 Challenge - Book Titles

The Cruel Sea
by Nicolas Monsarrat (1951)

This book tells the story of the men who served about a Flower Class corvette, and later a Castle Class corvette, in World War II.

Can you see the top of someone's head in the water?

Canon EOS 50D
1/1600s f/5.6 at 210.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Yvonne31-Dec-2011 03:25
Excellent image for the title Janice... I must need new glasses, I can't find the head!
Guest 30-Dec-2011 19:41
Great capture of the rough sea Janice!!!!!!
Cindi Smith30-Dec-2011 15:57
I see him....hope they weren't drowning. Very rough seas indeed. :)
Guest 30-Dec-2011 06:27
Wonderful work. V.
Carla Resh30-Dec-2011 06:21
Okay so I am blonde...and that should have been "ROUGH".... not ruff...I speak "Dog" too often LOL!!!
Carla Resh30-Dec-2011 06:19
This is good the ruff sea....from a distance...always makes for good shots...BV :0)
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