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janescottcumming | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Great Elephant Migration > As High As An Elephant's Eye
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Jane Cumming

As High As An Elephant's Eye

In the musical “Oklahoma”, there is a song with the lyric “the corn is as high as an elephant's eye”, meaning a unit of height, perhaps 8ft.
Corn plants will reach that height after a nice summer's growth.
It's not really an accepted unit of height, just poetic license.

Canon EOS 70D
1/200s f/9.0 at 23.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Zoltán Balogh15-Nov-2024 18:21
Superb closeup! V
Julie Oldfield02-Nov-2024 13:24
Great closeup to show the detail. V
Carl Carbone02-Nov-2024 03:13
Neat shot. I like the crop.
Bryan Murahashi02-Nov-2024 02:10
Wonderful close-up capture. Great details of this excellent artistry.
Dan Opdal02-Nov-2024 01:48
Another great shot, Jane! V
Richard Chu02-Nov-2024 00:55
Excellent tight crop and composition! V
Walter Otto Koenig01-Nov-2024 23:57
Great lcose up to see the detail. The eyeis so well done. "V"
Dennis Hoyne01-Nov-2024 23:20
Wonderful artwork, so well pictured in this gallery.
Tom Munson01-Nov-2024 21:30
This is wonderful.
Nick Paoni01-Nov-2024 20:07
Love the graceful curved lines and the catch-light in his eye.
Pieter Bos01-Nov-2024 19:33
The composition makes this image. ~V
bill friedlander01-Nov-2024 18:12
The eye looks very real. V
globalgadabout01-Nov-2024 15:42
oh what a beautiful morning for making a captivating image..
Pierre Martin01-Nov-2024 15:33
that eye look so real, beautiful picture!
Tom Beech01-Nov-2024 14:41
Would love to see these under construction
Hank Vander Velde01-Nov-2024 13:43
Great close-up Jane. I think that maybe there is a camera in its eye and your portrait is forever embedded in its brain. LOL
Helen Betts01-Nov-2024 11:55
What a clever composition! V.
pkocinski01-Nov-2024 11:46
Very cool.
joseantonio01-Nov-2024 11:03
nice closeup detail. The eye looks so real.V
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