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janescottcumming | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Great Elephant Migration > A Young One
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Jane Cumming

A Young One

Canon EOS 70D
1/640s f/14.0 at 42.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Alexander Kazakov30-Oct-2024 06:27
Great! V
Hank Vander Velde30-Oct-2024 02:03
Great close-up of one of these beauties Jane.
Nirvan Hope30-Oct-2024 01:19
So beautifully sculpted, each one.
Julie Oldfield30-Oct-2024 00:31
It’s amazing how life like they are. V
Nick Paoni29-Oct-2024 23:23
Portrait framing worked so well here. Love the light.
Dan Opdal29-Oct-2024 20:05
My favorite today. You got my vote! V
globalgadabout29-Oct-2024 17:12
a superb shot giving a sense of immediacy, and a good look at the artistry behind the elephant figures..
Tom Munson29-Oct-2024 15:54
The work is amazing. Great capture.
Tom LeRoy29-Oct-2024 15:51
How sweet! Lots of artistic talent to make this look so real. V
Blandine Mangin29-Oct-2024 15:22
very beautiful ! v
Kevin D Warren29-Oct-2024 15:22
I really admire the creativity here.
bill friedlander29-Oct-2024 14:24
The artistry and workmanship is fabulous. V
Helen Betts29-Oct-2024 13:11
Fine shot of this beautiful work of art. V.
joseantonio29-Oct-2024 11:57
a lot of work in doing this.V.
Pierre Martin29-Oct-2024 11:40
lot of work to create these with such beautiful details, great picture!
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