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Jane Cumming

Family is Important

Canon EOS 70D
1/200s f/9.0 at 55.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jeff Real11-Nov-2024 14:08
Also important to not get yourself boxed in when the sidewqa;ks are like this!
This is a really cool image!
Claude Gagnon01-Nov-2024 22:12
So important !!! Nice shot Jane :)) V
Alexander Kazakov30-Oct-2024 06:28
Nice scene! V
Julie Oldfield30-Oct-2024 00:32
So cute!!
marie-jose wolff29-Oct-2024 11:05
very cool this family of elephants walking in the streets of NYC, they look like real ones! V
Tom Munson29-Oct-2024 06:33
Those are amazing.
Dan Greenberg29-Oct-2024 02:30
They are definitely beautiful and this is an excellent capture of them. Jane, where are these? ~BV
Hank Vander Velde29-Oct-2024 01:09
Nice shot Jane. A lot of work must have gone in to make these beautiful fake elephants
Walter Otto Koenig28-Oct-2024 23:45
Nice shot of them on the move. Perhaps they're going to the Heidelberg Restaurant in Yorkville. "V"
Nirvan Hope28-Oct-2024 23:35
I just read the Vogue article. Amazing! So many.
Pierre Martin28-Oct-2024 22:14
as they are in real life, beautiful picture!
Nick Paoni28-Oct-2024 21:06
The little ones are so cute.
Johnny JAG28-Oct-2024 19:57
Nice family group
Danad28-Oct-2024 16:56
Great POV and light!
globalgadabout28-Oct-2024 16:36
it certainly is, as well illustrated by this tight-knit multi-generational grouping..
bill friedlander28-Oct-2024 14:44
A fine family picture. V
joseantonio28-Oct-2024 14:01
what a lovely job they have done there.V
Blandine Mangin28-Oct-2024 13:30
very nice compo ! v
Helen Betts28-Oct-2024 11:46
Very cute with the baby elephants. V.
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