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janescottcumming | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Great Elephant Migration > Autumn in New York City
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Jane Cumming

Autumn in New York City

Complete with Elephants.

Canon EOS 70D
1/500s f/14.0 at 18.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jeff Real11-Nov-2024 14:07
HGrerat idea to capture them like this!
A very special look att them!
Alexander Kazakov30-Oct-2024 06:28
Amazing! V
Bryan Murahashi28-Oct-2024 03:34
Beautiful backlit colors.
Tom Munson28-Oct-2024 03:20
Wonderful autumn capture.
Nick Paoni28-Oct-2024 00:29
Love how the elephants are framed by the fall leaves.
Walter Otto Koenig27-Oct-2024 23:13
Nice view of the herd, spectators, and autumn colors. "V"
marie-jose wolff27-Oct-2024 22:40
beautiful composition with a touch of autumn colors! V
Tom Beech27-Oct-2024 21:27
Ironically they are made of lantana, an invasive weed that is taking over forests and displacing wildlife
Julie Oldfield27-Oct-2024 18:52
A lovely inclusion of fall colors with the elephants. V
globalgadabout27-Oct-2024 17:38
a well fashioned view, with the elephants adding an exotic touch...commendable how you attentuated the light to even out the tones..
Hank Vander Velde27-Oct-2024 16:58
Great compo in this unique fine image Jane.
Blandine Mangin27-Oct-2024 15:50
de belles couleurs d'automne ! v
Marcia Colelli27-Oct-2024 15:14
Wonderful find and nice capture with lovely autumn colors. V
joseantonio27-Oct-2024 14:28
nice and colorful framing.V.
bill friedlander27-Oct-2024 14:01
Surprising to see elephants in NYC. V
Pierre Martin27-Oct-2024 13:48
beautiful with these colored trees, great shot!
Helen Betts27-Oct-2024 13:33
Nice to see such beautiful fall colors in the city! V.
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