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janescottcumming | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Great Elephant Migration > What a Long Nose You Have
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Jane Cumming

What a Long Nose You Have

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Zoltán Balogh15-Nov-2024 18:21
Marvellous, eye-catching photograph! V
Tom Beech27-Oct-2024 13:33
All the better to get photographed my dear..
Jeff Real27-Oct-2024 12:45
This is really cool looking!
A great find and such a fun photograph!
marie-jose wolff26-Oct-2024 11:18
cool shot of this impressive work of art! V
Alan K26-Oct-2024 00:46
The thumbnail made that look like Lego. It now looks more like wood, but either way it's a pretty impressive piece of work.
Julie Oldfield26-Oct-2024 00:15
Very cute baby elephant. V
Nirvan Hope25-Oct-2024 23:53
Looks like they could reach over and grab a snack from a passerby at any time!
Kevin D Warren25-Oct-2024 21:11
VEry nice capture of this handsome elephant!
Dan Greenberg25-Oct-2024 20:55
It is fabulous! And so is your photo of it. Is this on the Highline? ~BV~
laine25-Oct-2024 20:40
A very clever artwork.
Dan Opdal25-Oct-2024 19:03
Another fun shot! V
Walter Otto Koenig25-Oct-2024 18:59
Cool shot from this angle. Looks happy! "V"
Pierre Martin25-Oct-2024 18:49
with nearly 60,000 muscles in it, superb picture and compo!
Mairéad25-Oct-2024 18:47
A great use of perspective to showcase this impressive trunk. V
Johnny JAG25-Oct-2024 17:46
Looks like a happy hephalump
Danad25-Oct-2024 15:18
He must be tired of holding it all day so that it does not touch the ground! :)
Great POV, light and details.
bill friedlander25-Oct-2024 14:49
Looks so well groomed. V
globalgadabout25-Oct-2024 14:29
shot from the perfect point of view to make the most of that protruding proboscis..
sand_shadow25-Oct-2024 13:45
Amusing and nicely done! V
larose forest photos25-Oct-2024 13:34
these sculptures are amazing, this one is particularly endearing!! Love your shot. V
Alexander Kazakov25-Oct-2024 13:27
Perfect! V
Helen Betts25-Oct-2024 12:00
Great POV for this fun decoration. V.
pkocinski25-Oct-2024 11:42
I love the way the eye looks...
joseantonio25-Oct-2024 10:49
such a funny image. Love those shadows.V.
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